Natural Mattress

Natural Mattress
For anyone who needs a high quality sleep a natural mattress provides some of the best allergen free, environmentally friendly options for your bedding. The materials that are used in the creation of these mattresses are often organically grown or harvested, giving them an edge over those mattresses that are traditionally made. The use of organic cotton or natural latex provides you with the most environmentally friendly sleep you can get. Perhaps, if you're not familiar with either material, you'll be pleasantly surprised at how much care is given to the planet in order to create the bed quality you want without compromising on the Earth's welfare. Organic cotton is grown and harvested like other natural organics. The lack of harmful chemicals and the careful attention to rotation of crops helps to ensure that the surrounding environment does not have to deal with the hazardous runoff of traditional methods. Soil depletion is also curtailed as the cotton is grown and harvested. The final product is free from the toxic chemicals that are often used to treat mattresses and other sleep products. Natural latex is also taken from the planet with care. Latex is made from tree sap, which is carefully harvested from your basic rubber tree. Rubber trees are able to produce enough sap to allow tapping 180 days out of every year. Furthermore, the tree actually repairs itself from the tap in about 60 minutes. These trees grow right along the equator, and are often harvested by those who live in cohesion with the equatorial forests. The sap is turned into the foam used for a natural latex mattress through a whipping process. The use of organic wool has become popular in the production of the natural mattress as well. Organic wool is made from sheep's wool, and those sheep are offered a high quality organically based diet. They are kept healthy and well exercised which helps to increase the quality of their wool. They are not slaughtered for meat but simply shorn for their wool. The chemicals that are poured into traditional mattresses are in part due to the fire retardants that are used, as well as doused in pesticides and other chemicals that remain in mattress for as long as the life of the mattress. They are generally filled with materials that are synthetic and are also doused in chemicals during their production. Thus, you end up with a significant chemical base in which to sleep on. All of these synthetic materials and chemicals can trigger allergy attacks, have been linked to health problems, and are certainly not environmentally friendly. A single mattress can provide enough pollution during its production to impact the immediate environment and ecosystem. It can continue to pollute the environment during its afterlife, often through the process of burning or sitting in a landfill. A natural mattress for your bed, for a crib, or for a child's bed is ultimately a much healthier route to take for your health and the health of the environment. The comfort, features, and durability of a traditional mattress is well matched and often exceeded with the natural version. Dola Raheem is a niche marketer, his latest mattress website outlines complete details and information on the advantages and benefits of using a Visco Elastic Foam Mattress today. When you select a natural mattress, you will be able to enjoy comfortable and peaceful nights without worrying about toxins or allergens. Article Source: Article Source: Natural Mattress Latest Update:


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